Featured Articles About Punxsutawney Theatre Arts Guild

We are told that the play gets us into the minds of these characters, their physical appearance is not what is important here. Three Guild regulars take the stage as the famous men. Michael Shaffer is Thomas Jefferson, Debra Dinsmore is Charles Dickens and Jef Dinsmore is Count Leo Tolstoy. PTAG counts on its followers to take on the challenge of seeing the show, to ponder what it presents, and even engage the performers afterward about the discord, the debates, the revelations & confessions of these great men, representatives of us all.

In conclusion, the director adds, "We enjoy the variety of theatre we can offer the community. It is not all song-and-dance or mirth. Good theatre can invoke strong thought. This show does that, but in a light-hearted fashion to make for a well-rounded night of theatre. We challenge you to get into the heads of these historical figures and enjoy a true theatrical experience. See you on November 8th and/or 9th."