The Punxsutawney Theatre Arts Guild Participates in the Day of Giving

We all know it takes money to get anything accomplished. Plus, we all know that sometimes it takes a bit of scrambling to get the funds we need to keep moving forward. The Punxsutawney Theatre Arts Guild, as a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, certainly knows that, But we also all know that sometimes something comes along to make it all a bit easier. And that little extra something is the Punxsutawney Area Community Foundation ( and its Day of Giving, which is NOVEMBER 29, 2022.

Punxsutawney was once involved in a regional Foundation but has since chartered its own charitable organization to specifically benefit non-profits in Punxsutawney’s immediate area. Straight from its website, here is a list of FAQs to help you help us.

  • When is the Day of Giving? Tuesday, following Thanksgiving.
  • How can donations be made? We will be accepting multiple forms of donations. – Cash – Checks – made payable to PXYCF and include the name of the non-profit receiving the donation in the check memo – PayPal / Online Donations
  • Why must checks be made payable to PXYCF? – They need to be made payable to PXYCF to ensure the Foundation can appropriately allocate the percentage of the match based on the donations received by each non-profit. No fees will be assessed for donations made to PXYCF, and non-profits will receive the 100% of the donated amount with the allocated percentage of match monies. Even with the donations made on PayPal, there will not be any transaction fees subtracted from the donation. A Foundation donor has graciously offered to pay all related transaction fees.
  • Can donations be submitted via the mail? – Checks can be mailed and will be counted toward a nonprofit’s donation as long as the envelope is postmarked on or before the Tuesday following Thanksgiving. Mailed donations should be addressed to PXYCF, PO Box 663, Punxsutawney, PA 15767.
  • During the actual ‘Day of Giving’ where can in-person donations be made? – Donations can be dropped off on the Day of Giving at the Punxsutawney Memorial Library, located at 301 East Mahoning Street, Punxsutawney.

REMEMBER No funds given to PTAG outright (even checks made out to PTAG) will go towards earning any matching funds from the foundation. Please channel all contributions through them. And why is the Theatre Guild participating, you may ask? Because of all the high expenses, the troupe accrues over the course of a year. In order to present theatrical entertainment in the area we pay such things as royalty rights and storage and venue rentals. Plus, we need upgrades to light & sound equipment & new sets and props. Costs quickly add up.

So, any support via the Day of Giving (Tuesday, November 29) would be a great help to continue our stagecraft for the Punxsutawney area. Please consider a donation and we thank you.